Hawzah News Agency – Imam al-Askari peace be upon him says:
إنّ للسَّخاءِ مِقداراً فإنْ زادَ علَيهِ فهُو سَرَفٌ.
'Generosity has a set limit, and if taken to extremes becomes squandering.'
Source: Bihar al-Anwar, v. 69, p. 407, no. 115
Hawzah News Agency – Imam al-Askari peace be upon him says:
إنّ للسَّخاءِ مِقداراً فإنْ زادَ علَيهِ فهُو سَرَفٌ.
'Generosity has a set limit, and if taken to extremes becomes squandering.'
Source: Bihar al-Anwar, v. 69, p. 407, no. 115
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